News Article
Safe Return to In-Person Learning 2021-2022

The Red Lake County Central Public School will continue to offer in-person learning to all students, as it did for the entire 2020-2021 school year. We will continue our efforts to maintain the health and safety of students, educators, and other staff for the 2021-2022 school year by continuing to follow MDE, MDH and CDC requirements. As they evaluate the pandemic data and adjust requirements, our plan may have to adjust as well.

The district shall continue efforts to keep a high standard of safety and cleanliness to ensure we are able to stay in person.

These standards and requirements currently include:

1.  Face Coverings - The current requirements make the wearing of masks optional.

2.  Social Distancing is no longer required.

3.  Health Screening - All students and staff are to conduct a daily health self-screening and stay home when sick. This is a good general health practice and was instrumental in slowing and preventing the spread of colds, flu’s and covid.

4.  Close contact and quarantine guidelines are still as before, but we are hopeful for some updated information before school starts.  We will continue to work with public health if needed.

5.  Schools are required to report positive covid test cases to Public Health or MDH.

The current State Covid requirements do not require face coverings or vaccinations for the upcoming school year.

We are asking any community members who would like to see changes to this plan to contact the school.

Author: Mr. Guetter  

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Schools District Inspired to Learning for Life!  District Mission Statement: Where students acquire knowledge, skills & attitudes to enable them to lead productive lives while contributing to society. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, or disability.
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